The role of a CEO is not merely a game of chess within the boundaries of capitalism. It is, rather, a dance on the world stage, with a strategy that goes beyond traditional economic paradigms. Any CEO who believes their job is all about profits, and manoeuvring within the confines of capitalism alone, is missing the bigger picture.
Thinking strategically is not just about navigating the ship in the rough seas of capitalism. It's about understanding the currents and winds of social, environmental and political change in today's multi-faceted world. A strategy that only considers capitalist mechanisms and goals is not just short-sighted but also potentially detrimental.
Capitalism has been a dominant economic paradigm for centuries, but it is not the be-all and end-all. It's merely one piece of a larger puzzle, one cog in a complex machine. A CEO's job includes understanding this intricacy and strategizing accordingly. It requires an understanding of how capitalism interacts with other factors like technology, climate change, and social justice movements.
In other words, if you think in the confines of capitalism, you're not thinking big enough. The world outside that box is changing rapidly and as a CEO, you need to be prepared to meet those forces head-on.